By Esther Cruz
Staff Writer
University Police is encouraging Cal State Dominguez Hills’ women to attend a free self-defense course.
No prior experience with self-defense is required. It is, however, recommended that participants wear active or gym attire to the three-day course.
The class is based on a program called R.A.D., or Rape Aggression Defense System, a set of realistic self-defense
tactics and techniques.
R.A.D. first emphasizes awareness, prevention, risk-reduction and avoidance before progressing to hands-on, basic self-defense techniques.
Classes will be conducted by two officers from the University Police Department over three consecutive days. The courses will take place from 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Nov. 7 in SAC room 3152, Nov. 14 in Gym Room A104, and Nov. 21 in Gym Room A104.
This course has limited space. A maximum number of 15 women can attend, so police are encouraging women to sign up early, before the course reaches capacity.
To register, and for more information, please email Cpl. Gould at [email protected] or Officer Ares at [email protected].