By Judy Camarillo
Staff Writer
Photo Credit: Judy Camarillo, L.A Women’s March on January 21,2017
Jan. 21 was a perfect day to be out on the beautiful streets of downtown Los Angeles.
After days of pouring rain, the sun finally came out in preparation for a historical movement against President Trump.
The city had hundreds of thousands of women in opposition to limited women’s health rights and defunding Planned Parenthood.
I had the honor of stepping up and out to support my “sisters” with my team and clothing brand staff, Dimepiece LA.
It is always fun going to work, because of the cool “fashion vibe” downtown L.A. provides.
However, this time, the town felt refreshing. Supporters seemed cheerful and happy to see each other, even though all the faces were new, and most were from out of town.
There was no negative energy, and many supporters did not think of crowds as fighting against Trump but instead uniting against Trump.
There were numerous signs that were personally customized expressing thoughts against Trump’s actions, many were inspiring and comedic.
My sign read, “Estamos Unidos,” which is Spanish for “We are United,” followed by my team’s sign “Encouragement Over Competition for Women.”
People were getting creative, treating this event as if it were a school assignment, dedicating time and effort toward a good cause.
I felt inspired to be a part of this epic moment. I couldn’t resist looking around and embracing the infectious energy the crowd created.
Chanting, “Who run the world, girls,” with people who I’ve never met, but felt so comfortable around was empowering.
That day I was not only marching for myself and my rights as a female, but for my mother, sisters, friends and others who couldn’t make it to support the cause.