Featuring a series of presentations, the conference will conclude Friday, Feb. 24 at 3 pm. Courtesy of CSUDH Graduate Studies and Research
By Leah Quintero, Managing Editor
On Feb. 22-24, California State University, Dominguez Hills is hosting the 18th annual Student Research Conference in the Loker Student Union. The conference gives graduate and undergraduate students the chance to showcase their research and scholarly and creative activities.
The conference includes 33 different sessions categorized based on the student’s discipline of focus and covers a range of topics from physical and mathematical sciences to arts and humanities.
Throughout the three dates, there will be three panels. The first takes place on Wednesday, Feb. 22 at 12 pm in LSU 326. This is the IRB drop-in session for both students and research mentors. At the end of this day at 6:45 pm in the LSU 322 is the undergraduate roundtable.
Thursday, Feb 23 in the LSU Ballroom C at 11:30 am, is the first research mentor panel. During this panel, the research mentors will discuss their various types of research and share advice with those in attendance. Also on this date is the graduate roundtable to close out the night at 5 pm in LSU 322.
Lastly, on Friday at 11 am in the LSU Ballroom C is the second mentor research panel. This one is the only one of the three that will be live-streamed.
Wednesday at 5:30 pm in the LSU Ballroom C, the conference will feature keynote speaker Monica Lomeli. Lomeli, a human services administrator for the Los Angeles Commission on Human Resources, will speak about how her research at CSUDH has influenced and helped her throughout her career.
Along with providing students the chance to showcase their research and learn from mentors, the SRC gives student participants the opportunity to be, “selected to represent CSUDH at the 2023 CSU Statewide Student Research Competition.”
The 37th Annual CSU Statewide Student Research Competition will allow students to showcase their research before juries of professional experts, foundations, public agencies, colleges, and universities in California. It will take place on April 28-29 at San Diego State University.
Those interested in the CSU statewide competition are encouraged to make that known at the end of their student research application. For the whole presentation schedule and more information visit here.