We miss Teddy like leaves miss the breeze.
Photo by Nova Blanco-Rico

Because it’s right here. On this website. Somewhere to your right, most likely. It’s a link to our current issue, which is digital only and which wasn’t on our original list of seven bi-weekly issues at the start of this semester.

But we felt this week was too remarkable a week to go unnoticed.

Inside you will find news about the few campus locales that are still open, student-led petitions asking for refunds of campus fees and, seriously, straight A’s for everyone, a fascinating and in-depth q&A with one of this university’s most well-respected professors and his thoughts about the challenges and opportunities of transitioning to online sentences midway through the semester.

We also have three different perspectives on what it’s like being on near-lockdown on our perspectives page, and we’ve also opened up the paper this issue to students who weighed on how this chaos is affecting them personally and education-wise.

If you’d like to chime in, you are more than welcome to submit your thoughts to our digital open forum, which we will update continually the rest of this semester.

For details on how to submit your thoughts and opinions, check out page four of our e-edition.