By Yeymy Garcia
Feature Editor

Now that you’re done spending money on your loved ones after Valentines Day, it’s time for you to come back to reality and learn how to maintain your relationships because showering them with gifts once a year is not enough.

Or is it? If anyone may have the answer, it’s Dr. Beverly B. Palmer, a CSUDH emeritus psychology professor, who will be sharing her expertise on how psychology can bring more love into your life on Monday, Feb. 25 in the  Loker Student Union Ballroom C from noon-1 p.m.

Along with teaching, Dr. Palmer has created many presentations on love and has also published articles in The New York Times, USA Today, Allure, and more. According to her blog, The American Psychology Association recognizes her as a “scientific expert on interpersonal attraction and relationships.

She is also the author of her newly published book, “Love Demystified: Strategies for a Successful Love Life,” which gives readers tips on how to live a happy love life based on psychological research.

On Monday, students and faculty can get a taste on what her book is about. She will discuss the red flags to look out for when first dating someone, how you can improve a current relationship, and what makes love last.

“Bring More Love into Your Life: Psychology Tells You How” presented by Dr. Beverly B. Palmer. Feb. 25, 2019. 12-1 p.m. LSU Ballroom C. Sponsored by the Toro Psychology Club, Psi Chi, and the Psychology Department.