Black and white illustration of books with the text 'are you ready for finals'
Planning and preparation are key to making the most out of finals week. (Illustration by Ana Angel)

Toros offer insight and advice for success

“Dread it, run from it, destiny still arrives” – except instead of the Marvel villain Thanos, it’s final exams. Finals week is fast approaching, so The Bulletin reached out to Toros to gather some of the best tips and tricks for surviving everyone’s “favorite” period of the semester. 

Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late
Start gathering information now about any final exams or assignments. Set aside time to review any material to make studying easier before test day. 

“I make a list of everything I need to do the week before and that way I have a day to prep and organize, ” said sophomore engineering student Sophia Dephilippo.

Freshman business student Aylin Pastrano said she creates study guides to keep herself organized and on track ahead of finals. “I am going to review my notes on what I’ve learned in class to get a deeper understanding and be ready.”

Planning ahead for finals can also help to alleviate some of the stress that inevitably comes at the end of the semester.

Dayna Layva, a freshman computer science major, said working regular breaks into her study sessions help to keep her calm and focused. “I’ll give myself breaks if I feel like I’m starting to lose interest.”

For first-year students who might not be as familiar with the routines and culture of finals, it’s important to approach the week one assignment at a time. Third-year child development and family services student Helen Ceron said prioritizing health and wellness is key.

“One tip I have for freshmen who are taking finals is to relax and pace yourself. You have time to ‘mess up’,” Ceron said. “This one grade doesn’t define you.”

Ask For Help
Dominguez Hills has several resources available to help Toros who need help with classes. Students can make individual appointments at The Writing Center and the Toro Learning and Testing Center to get a deeper understanding of any assignment.

Lavya said she takes advantage of online tutoring to help with her computer science classes, adding that tutors go over problems in detail. Sessions for student tutoring can be scheduled at the Learning Center’s front desk and using online Virtual Front Desk chatbots. 

Pastrano said she feels more confident about her assignments after receiving feedback from the Writing Center.The center offers individual tutoring sessions and resources to help students produce their best work – everything from goal-setting, to brainstorming, sourcing, and revising a draft. 

Of course, sometimes the classic methods are the best methods when it comes to studying. 

“It’s old school, but I use sticky notes and place them on my mirror to remind me,” Dephilippo said. “When I go to the gym, I bring my notebooks with me to glance down at while I am working out. I find these techniques work better for me personally rather than one whole day of studying.” 

Scholarly Advice 

“As finals approach, take the time to organize your time and review your progress in the course. Evaluate where and how your time needs to be spent,” said English professor Jennifer Henriquez. “Communicate with your professors early and often if there are external circumstances that will affect your success.”

Henriquez encouraged students to utilize campus resources and the study breaks available at Dominguez Hills.

“Consider looking through Torolink to find programming related to finals week. Look for events that provide resources, materials or study space,” she said.

“Many programs will intentionally try to put together programming for students to destress or provide nourishment. Take advantage of this type of programming.”