Posted inCOVID, Lifestyle

Dear Generation Z, Stay Home!

By Taylor Helmes, Assistant News Editor Amid the flood of information we’re receiving from health organizations, the government, and universities, common sense would seem to dictate that the only spring break any student should have is parking their rear end somewhere in their house and studying or binge watching something on TV. But when airlines […]

Posted inCampus News, COVID, News

Virus Threat Ushers in New (Un)Normal

Photo By Robert Rios By Jordan Darling, Editor-in-Chief Last night at 8:46 p.m., the president’s office released  a statement informing the CSUDH community that alternative instruction, which is scheduled to begin Monday, will continue through the rest of the semester at the recommendation of health officials.  Additionally, CSUDH President Thomas A. Parham said commencement will […]

Posted inCOVID, Sports

NCAA Suspends All Athletic Activity

Photo Courtesy of Toro Athletics By Jessica Olvera, Co-Sports Editor, and Jackson Cascio, Assistant Sports Editor Imagine living in a world or going to a school without sports? Well, that’s the scary reality for professional and collegiate athletes as the rest of the spring and winter season has been suspended due to the threat of […]

Posted inCampus News, COVID, News

CSUDH Ceases Face-to-Face Classes For The Remainder of the Spring Semester; Commencement Postponed

Photo By Robert Rios CSUDH President Thomas A. Parham announced Tuesday in a campus-wide email that face-to-face instruction is cancelled for the remainder of the spring semester. See his email below for latest update on remote work, campus operations, university library, housing, information technology, Loker Student Union operations, Student Health and Psychology Services, athletic and […]