Posted inCampus News, News

CSU protects students with sanctuary space

By Da’ Ron Frost Staff Writer With Donald Trump elected president, many undocumented citizens living in America fear being deported. But the California State University system stands behind its undocumented students, making the CSU system a “sanctuary space.” A sanctuary space protects undocumented students who attend a CSU and feel threatened by Trump’s victory. On […]

Posted inCampus News, News, Politics

CSUDH honored by Obama with president’s higher ed. honor roll

By Da’ Ron Frost Staff Writer President Obama has honored California State University, Dominguez Hills, for its work in the community service field. CSUDH has been honored with “distinction” for the 2015 President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll within the “General Community Service” category. CSUDH is one of 14 California State Universities that were […]