ASI Tackles Student Conduct, Passes Resolution Supporting Philippine Human Rights and Approves Student Elections Timeline

California State University Dominguez Hills’ Associated Students Inc. (ASI) held a meeting primarily on student conduct and student government elections in a virtual environment. Photo by Iracema Navarro.

By Melanie Gerner, Staff Reporter

Dateline: ASI BOD Meeting 10/23/2020

Associated Students Incorporated (ASI) heard a presentation on the application of the CSUDH code of conduct in a virtual setting during the Board of Directors Meeting on Friday, October 23. Interim Associate Dean of Students, Zachary Ritter, delivered a presentation that included new COVID-19 community standards, Basic Needs and the CARE Team

Ritter discussed some challenges that virtual learning has presented. He assured the board that treating  people with respect and not doing lewd things are community standards that will remain consistent in a virtual setting. Ritter confirmed that the Title V code of conduct extends to Zoom classrooms; harmful exposure, lewd acts and harming other people’s private space will be looked at for punitive consequences. 

Ritter reaffirmed that on campus mask wearing is enforced at all times. If a student refuses to wear a mask on campus, the student will be escorted off campus and will be removed from that class for the remainder of the semester. An online option will be offered when applicable.

Plans to bring this information to the Academic Senate in terms of faculty training and application is in the works.

 According to Dr. Matthew Smith, interim associate vice president of Student Life and Dean of Students, processes regarding the CSUDH COVID-19 guidelines off campus are still being discussed.

The Office of Student Conduct is changing their name to the Office of Community Standards in an effort to move toward restorative justice, Ritter explained. The office is currently working on creating a student grievance procedure, since none exists. One topic of particular concern regarding student grievances is white faculty calling the authorities on students of color for being disruptive.

Ritter also works with Basic Needs  and The CSUDH Campus Awareness, Response and Education CARE Team to support students. Basic Needs can help with temporary housing for up to 14 or sometimes 30 days if students experience domestic violence or homelessness.

 Report an incident CSUDH is a page where you can refer a student in need, request basic needs assistance, as well as report a student conduct violation, or Title IX incident. 

The CARE Team can help students report a student who may need services to support them in Basic Needs assistance, support for Title IX referrals, including The Center for Advocacy, Prevention & Empowerment (CAPE) and help students receive other needed resources.

Associated Students Inc. approved the resolution supporting the Philippine Human Rights Act (PHRA). 

Several students spoke in support of the ASI resolution supporting the Philippine Human Rights Act (PHRA) and Senate Bill H.R.8313. The board committed to creating an abbreviated version of the resolution to share with the community.

ASI Elections Timeline approved and to be published November 2, 2020

The timeline for ASI elections was approved including dates for candidate forums, mixers and debates. Candidate application packets for intent to run for office will be available to students November 10. Election results will be announced at a special ASI BOD meeting on March 19, 2021. The board also approved a temporary suspension of signature requirements for candidate packets, due to COVID-19. All packets will be submitted via Dropbox. 

In other ASI news:

  • Assisted 485 students to register to vote 
  • Holding a week long virtual Halloween Haunt celebration events 
  • Working on providing  CCampis grant funds to student-parents to use for accredited child care services

ASI BOD Meeting dates, agendas and recordings found here: