As a Dreamer, I know the challenges first-hand

Photo Credit: Zack Hailey

Immigration attorney Laura E. Urias and Felipe Carrera Aguayo, of the Mexican Consulate, offer immigration advice to students.

By Pedro Cruz

President Trump’s immigration policies are a testament to his radical views of crafting a utopian society. America, from his point of view will become a perfect country free of immigrants and free of crime. Instead, it will be prosperous, sublime and admirable. In other words he wants to “Make America Great Again.”
The idea sounds appealing, but the reality is terrifying. The world has begun a new era of catastrophe. President Trump’s executive orders on immigration will create more problems than solutions for Americans. It’s easy to punish and blame a whole community for the crimes of a few, but it is not right. Innocent lives are being affected.
In this situation it is important to understand how Trump thinks. Let us not forget he has never been a politician before. He has never served as a councilman, mayor, congressman, senator or governor. Still, despite his mediocre background in politics he has become the president.
He is a businessman with a strategy to provoke people into giving him exactly what he wants. Bravo, America. He has us exactly where he wants us: giving him all our attention, not just Americans, but the global community too. I am sure of one thing: President Trump will lose this deal he’s making with America.
As a DREAMER, I know first-hand the difficulties of being undocumented. Immigrants always have been and will continue to be essential for the growth of this country.
I have never taken a job from anyone. My parents have not taken jobs from Americans. The jobs are out there. Minimum paying jobs as dishwashers, gardeners, janitors, maids and field workers who pick our fruit and vegetables for less than $8 an hour.
We aren’t afraid to work; we aren’t complaining about miserable wages because we know that back in our home countries $8 an hour is a fortune.
I am not a criminal and my father and brothers are not “rapists” as Trump labeled us. Every Muslim is not a “terrorists.” I am a DREAMER, a child brought to this country at the age of 8 for an opportunity to have a better life. I am also your friend, your classmate, your student, your employee and I call this country “home” just like you.
Today, I write these words because my parents have sacrificed so much to allow me to continue my education. Numbers, data and statistics are irrelevant at this point. The reality of our lives is before us. I am not afraid of what might happen next for I know tyranical leaders never prevail.