Photos by Glenn Marshall

We’ll have more text next week to accompany these photos, but Friday’s Student Convocation was too big a deal for us to miss, so we thought we’d share some visuals. University President Thomas A. Parham and other campus officials welcomed many of CSUDH’s largest number of incoming freshman and transfer students in its history, which will significantly increase last fall’s student enrollment of slightly less than 15,800.

Many top CSUDH administrators entered the convocation in full regalia, the same they don at commencement ceremonies every May, a reminder of what could await incoming freshman in four years.

Dr. Parham greets members of the class of 2022.
It was Dr. Parham’s second student convocation as CSUDH president.
Students write the goals they want to accomplish on the Before I graduate wall.
Toro nation gets some new citizens.

3 replies on “CSUDH Welcomes New Arrivals–A Lot of Them”

    1. The print version of the paper is still available, our first issue will go out on either September 12th or the 13th. We are still working with our staff.

    2. Hello,
      I don’t know if anyone ever responded to you, but yes it is. You can find it in the red containers, three on the east way (in front of the library, the LSU and College of Education) another one on the south side of Welch Hall (the outside lower level) and another on the West Walkway in front of the University Theater.

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